This year we look forward to a strategy we call “Beyond Sunday.” Beyond Sunday is a plan and a process that will enable us, all of us, to pass on the legacy of faith that exists here at Southwest Church of Christ. Over the next several months this strategy will be presented by our senior minister, Mike Hawkins.

To learn more about Beyond Sunday, check out these letters from Mike!

Letters From Our Senior Minister

About Going Beyond Sunday…

  • I’m certain you have noticed a few changes around Southwest lately. I want to assure you that the changes made were not for the sake of change. There has been a lot of prayer, preparation, and anticipation that has gone into the changes you see – and through it all we’ve used a few principles to guide us.

    The first principle is, “Think like a guest.” Going anywhere new can be intimidating – especially if you’ve never been to a particular church, or even church for that matter. We have tried to look at everything from a perspective of reducing the uncertainty that may come from entering our doors.

    The second has been, “Be proactive and not reactive.” I was the youth minister at a church that experienced rapid growth, and by the time we addressed the growth, it was too late. We are anticipating more new faces at Southwest, and we want to be prepared to minister to them as best as we can.

    The third principle, “A spirit of excellence.” In all things we want to give our very best to the one who saved us from sin and death. I’m reminded of what Paul told the Christians in Colossae, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ” (Colossians 3:22-24).

    These principles have led to a mountain of work that has been accomplished this year. The welcome desk and television in the foyer. The relocation of the church office and the creation of a secured weekday entrance. The addition of signage throughout our building. The remodeling of the nursery. A major upgrade to our sound system. Improvements to our livestream and website. The list could go on, and the list of folks I’d like to brag on could fill an entire page. However, from the weekly giving, the monies and materials and equipment that has been donated, and all the folks who worked so hard to make these things happen – WE ARE BLESSED!

    Looking Ahead to 2025 – A Year of Growth

    In my opinion I think there has been a shift in the Church here in our country. And by that, I mean, we have done well to grow churches but have struggled to grow Christians. The elders, ministers and staff at Southwest want to grow Christians, that is our number one priority – and if we succeed in doing so, our church will grow in number as a result.

    This year we look forward to bringing about a strategy called “Beyond Sunday.” Beyond Sunday is a plan and a process that will enable us, all of us, to pass on the legacy of faith that exists here at Southwest Church of Christ. Over the next several months I will be unveiling this strategy, right here in this newsletter article. So, stay tuned Southwest, 2025 is going to be an amazing year!


    Mike Hawkins

  • Whether it’s a business, a civic organization, a church, you name it – an organization without a mission is a like a ship without a rudder. There has to be something to keep the ship headed in the right direction. This is why many organizations, including churches, have created “mission statements.”

    I’ve had the question posed to me before, “Why does a church need a mission statement? Doesn’t the Bible give us our mission?” To the latter I say you are right, our directive comes clearly from scripture. “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:30-31 ESV).

    So, how do you do that? How do you love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength? How do you love your neighbor as yourself? The sky’s the limit, isn’t it? There is a myriad of things one could do to “love God” and “love neighbor” but I believe Jesus gave us a more refined way to do just that. In His final address to His disciples, Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…” (Matthew 28:19-20 ESV).

    Can you see how this, the Great Commission of Jesus, demonstrates “loving God” and “loving people?” If we love God, we are going to make disciples and add to His kingdom. If we love people, we are going to help save them from Hell and teach them how to live God pleasing lives. And what’s beautiful about this commission, is that it’s cyclical. People who have been rightly discipled, will in turn disciple others. If I were to sum up this “commission cycle,” I would say we are to make disciples, who make disciples.

    Although refined, again I ask, how do you do that? And again, we could come up with a myriad of ways. So perhaps a better question would be, how do we do that effectively? Thus enters the mission statement.

    Ken Braddy of Lifeway Research developed a process for disciple-making that promotes and preserves this “commission cycle.” We have adopted portions of his research to form a new mission statement for Southwest. A statement that gives us practical steps for reaching our goal of making disciples who make disciples. Our new mission statement is this:

    “We want to connect, grow, serve, and go beyond Sunday.”

    Stay tuned because in next month’s article, I will break down what it looks like to “connect, grow, serve, and go beyond Sunday.”

    Keep up the good work Southwest,

    Mike Hawkins



Connecting as Christians is about building relationships centered on faith, love, and encouragement. It means coming together in worship, prayer, and service to strengthen our walk with Christ and uplift one another in times of joy and struggle. Through genuine fellowship, we reflect God’s love, grow spiritually, and fulfill His calling to be a light in the world.


Growing together as Christians means recognizing that each of us is at a different place in our faith journey while still encouraging one another to grow. Some may be new believers seeking guidance, while others have walked with Christ for years and can offer wisdom and support. No matter where we are, we can grow ourselves and our brothers and sisters in Christ through discipleship, service, mentorship, small groups, and many more.


Christians should serve together because it strengthens our unity in Christ and reflects His love to the world. When we work side by side, we encourage one another, grow in faith, and accomplish more for God’s kingdom than we could alone. Serving together also demonstrates the power of community, showing others the beauty of living out our faith through love, humility, and action.


The action of “going” is the process of going out to the world and sharing all we’ve learned and experienced. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus tells us to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…” So, by this instruction, we go out into the world and share the good news of Christ.